Thursday, June 5, 2014

How To Make Free Computer Art

How To make this print for FREE on Google Drive

1. Open 'Drawing' (program) in Google Drive- If you don't have a Google account, I highly recommend getting one. You can use so many of their features and programs all free!

2. Find Your State- go to and search for your states. Below you can see how to search for transparent only images. This will help make sure there is no background in the way. I use this search feature all the time when searching for embellishments for photos. 

3. Insert Your States- Add your states to your page by uploading and inserting a photo. (You can also just copy and paste from the web if that's easier)

4. Add Hearts- Add hearts to where the city/cities you lived (This will be our starting point for our scribble dotted lines!)

5. Draw Dotted Lines- In order to make these lines, use the scribble line feature (don't worry about making your scribbles perfect, they automatically smooth them out for you!) Make the line then make the lines dotted by using the line dash drop down menu. 
6. Add Text- You can make this say anything you want, just add a text box and edit the text, size and font!

If you have any questions or need help creating your own, send me an email! I would love to hear from you and I'd be more than happy to help!

Katie Lynn

Ps! Don't forget to follow my blog for more ideas, tips and tricks!

Another example:

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