Friday, May 30, 2014

Five Things Friday

Five Things I'm Loving Lately

1. Google. All of it. Blogger is how I'm able to be writing here today, and I'm loving it. Google drive has been incredibly helpful with my job in creating documents, presentations, and spreadsheets to help organize and have immediate communication within the business. Also, Google+ has been amazing in keeping track of all my photos and being able to access them from anywhere, all synced with my phone. That brings me to numbers 2 and 3.

2. My phone. The Samsung Galaxy Note 3. It's brilliant. The screen is huge, the storage space is massive, I totally love the S pen, the camera rocks, and to go with number 1, everything is synced with Google. My calendar, photos, contacts, everything. I love it.

3. Chevron. Hence the chevron in my "Five Things Friday" banner. I'm in love with my phone case, and my shirts to match! (PS- Check out those awesome curvy girl capris from Lane Bryant. They're called T3. More on those later!-make sure you follow my blog!) Anything in chevron I've been wanting lately. It's a popular pattern all throughout the south and I LOVE it.

4. Incense. I've never burned incense until I met my partner. She had brought some back from the store one day and every since then I've been obsessed. They are just so relaxing, and they smell so good! Plus, down here you can go to little flea markets or country stores and find some home made. Gives me a good excuse to go shopping (treasure hunting)! As a matter of fact, I went today to the peddler's mall!

5. Strawberries. (I think you can tell from my blog post "Strawberries everywhere!") Mmm, so good.

Unitl next Five Things Friday! Enjoy! And I hope this inspires you to start your own blog and post a Five Things Friday section! It's fun, you'll like it!

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